Friday, 17 May 2019

Bagging Mangoes - Protect Your Fruits

Hello friends,
                      Today i want to discuss about product that can protect our fruit from many factor like pest, weather, rain etc. Yes Fruit Bags.

Friends we all know that after setting of our fruits mainly Mangoes there is no more difficulties after that stage. But many factor like pest, unseasonal rain, very high temperature, physical damage etc can damage fruits outer surface. And thats why fruits loos its beauty and also price.

So we can control this problem by Bagging our fruits(Mangoes) at right stage of development. Bagging prevents insects, pest especially fruit flies, from finding and damaging the fruits. The bag provides physical protection from mechanical injuries (scares and scratches) and prevent female flies laying activities, latex burns, and fungal spots on fruits. After all its laborious, its cheaper, safer, easier to do and giving you a more reliable estimate of your projected harvest.

But friends there are also some cone factor about this like, It very difficult to bag a each and every fruit of  farm. And also more difficult to cover big fruit frees's fruit, like mango tree.

And I notice brown bag can affect color of green fruits to slightly yellowish, which is not acceptable by buyer. But white paper bag can solve this problem.

So friends what you think about bagging of Fruits!!!!

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Plant Growth Regulator - Paclobutrazol

Hello Friends, 
                        Today i want to talk about that product, which we are not using  before 7 to 8 years in our farm at all. But the significant result of that product which we saw in near by Mango farms. Yes you thinking right, that product is Paclobutrazol.

Paclobutrazol, let me give you brief introduction about what is paclobutrazol. Paclobutrazol is a plant growth retardant and triazole fungicide. It acts by inhibiting gibberellin (a plant growth hormon) biosynthesis.

Friends Paclobutrazol is a main active ingredient. In india many product like Cultar, Austar, Lustar, etc. you can find which has paclobutrazol as active ingredient

From last 6 to 7 years we are using this product in our farm. By this product we got good flowering in our mango farm. But that not means by only this product you can good flowering in Mango trees. Many factors affecting Mango flowering. But this product can help for uniform flowering of your Mango tree. 

Time to Paclobutrazol is before 60 to 90 days of your tree's natural flowering time. Look natural flowering time is differ from place to place so you can calculate the right time to apply it . In our farm which is situated at Vanthli Village, Junagadh, Gujart. natural flowering time is January to February so we applying paclobutrazol at 90 days before, in month of October.

Dose is also upon on the age and size of your Mango trees. if your mango trees is 10 years old than 10 to 15 ml dose is enough. But if your frees are more than 40 to 50 years old and very big than you can apply 30 to 40 ml per tree. Friends our trees are more than 55 years old and very big so we give them 40ml dose per tree.

Apply paclobutrazol to soil is good practice as our experience. Foiler spray of it is not much successful at our point of view. 

Friends this is my thought about this product you can also share your thought about this product in comment section. Thank you.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Flowering in Mango trees

                               Picture of our Mango tree getting flowers in season of 2019

Hello  Friends, 
                        Today i want to discuss a topic about flowering stage of Mango trees. 
                        Flowering is the main and first step in cycle of getting a fruit from Mango trees. Naturally Mango trees are start flowering in winter season in some specific climatic condition. Although many factor affect the flowering process of Mango trees like reserve food with trees , hormone levels of trees, temperature etc.
                        So basically we can not fully control the flowering process of Mango trees because of wide range of factors affecting flowering process of Mango trees. But we can try to force tree for flowering in some extend. Friends this is just my point of view with the experience with my father and practically observing our Mango farm from last few years. So if you want to apply this step to your farm please consult once some senior farmer or any agriculture specialist.
                        So lets discuss the point that can help you getting better flowering in Mango trees.

1) we give proper fertilizer mainly soluble fertilizer by drip system after harvesting Mangoes of last         year. So tree can take their minerals in the rest period of monsoon and prepare food for the next           year.

2) we also give some growth regulating hormones (Paclobutrazol) before 60 to 90 days from it's              natural flowering time. It helps trees to control growth before flowering period and giving uniform      Flowers to trees. More Flowers means more chance to getting more fruits. But you have to very          sour about the dose about this hormones. I will discuss this topic in future post of blog in briefly.

3) And also control the watering phase before natural flowering period of your Mango trees. After        monsoon period we control watering of trees. Not giving too much water. It is necessary to stretch      soil for tree getting ready for flowering. After notice wet green shoots which is firstly seen at the        spot of flowering spot between leaves we give water to trees by or drip system.

4) We try to finish our pesticide dose before buds opening stage of  flowers. we think pesticides               make harmful effect to delicate flowers of Mango trees and also break the natural cycle of micro         insect like fly which is responsible for development of  flowers.  

                  Friends, these four are the main factor from my point of view which is in some extend             control of us, to getting good flowering and after all getting good fruits. 
                  So please comment if you know any other points which we can discuss and cover in this         topic of Mango Flowring. And also tell me which topic we can discuss hear in next post. 
                                                                                                                                            Thank you.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Mango Farm visit of my Friend Farmer Mr. Rakesh shah

This video is about visit to my friend Farmer's Mango farm which is situated near Vapi, Gujarat. They are organize a seminar every year in month of January or February for farmers about discussion on new technics  regarding Mangoes.

My Mango Farm visit on 20/04/19

Some Snap which i take on last visit (20/4/19) of my farm

Hello friends, 
                     welcome to my blog. first of all i want to introduce my self to you.
                     Hi, My name is Vishal Trambadia. I am 33 years old. i am from Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India. Basically i am a small business man running my father's set up business of cotton tape(Amulya Enterprise) in Ahmadabad.
                    But still by nature i like to be a farmer. We also have 65 years old mango trees farm in my native place Vanthli, Junagadh, Gujarat, which is developed by my Grand Father and now handling by my Father.
                    That's why i have some unknown attraction about Mangoes from my childhood. 
                    So friends now i tell you what is my purpose of creating this blog is that, from this blog we can communicate with each other about every topic related to Mangoes in any countries of the world. We can share best possible knowledge regarding Mangoes to our friend farmers.
                    So friends please join me to creating a wonderful journey about Mango farming.
                    Friends you can contact me on my mail id also ''"
                                                                                                                                              Thank you.