Thursday, 9 May 2019

Flowering in Mango trees

                               Picture of our Mango tree getting flowers in season of 2019

Hello  Friends, 
                        Today i want to discuss a topic about flowering stage of Mango trees. 
                        Flowering is the main and first step in cycle of getting a fruit from Mango trees. Naturally Mango trees are start flowering in winter season in some specific climatic condition. Although many factor affect the flowering process of Mango trees like reserve food with trees , hormone levels of trees, temperature etc.
                        So basically we can not fully control the flowering process of Mango trees because of wide range of factors affecting flowering process of Mango trees. But we can try to force tree for flowering in some extend. Friends this is just my point of view with the experience with my father and practically observing our Mango farm from last few years. So if you want to apply this step to your farm please consult once some senior farmer or any agriculture specialist.
                        So lets discuss the point that can help you getting better flowering in Mango trees.

1) we give proper fertilizer mainly soluble fertilizer by drip system after harvesting Mangoes of last         year. So tree can take their minerals in the rest period of monsoon and prepare food for the next           year.

2) we also give some growth regulating hormones (Paclobutrazol) before 60 to 90 days from it's              natural flowering time. It helps trees to control growth before flowering period and giving uniform      Flowers to trees. More Flowers means more chance to getting more fruits. But you have to very          sour about the dose about this hormones. I will discuss this topic in future post of blog in briefly.

3) And also control the watering phase before natural flowering period of your Mango trees. After        monsoon period we control watering of trees. Not giving too much water. It is necessary to stretch      soil for tree getting ready for flowering. After notice wet green shoots which is firstly seen at the        spot of flowering spot between leaves we give water to trees by or drip system.

4) We try to finish our pesticide dose before buds opening stage of  flowers. we think pesticides               make harmful effect to delicate flowers of Mango trees and also break the natural cycle of micro         insect like fly which is responsible for development of  flowers.  

                  Friends, these four are the main factor from my point of view which is in some extend             control of us, to getting good flowering and after all getting good fruits. 
                  So please comment if you know any other points which we can discuss and cover in this         topic of Mango Flowring. And also tell me which topic we can discuss hear in next post. 
                                                                                                                                            Thank you.

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