Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Plant Growth Regulator - Paclobutrazol

Hello Friends, 
                        Today i want to talk about that product, which we are not using  before 7 to 8 years in our farm at all. But the significant result of that product which we saw in near by Mango farms. Yes you thinking right, that product is Paclobutrazol.

Paclobutrazol, let me give you brief introduction about what is paclobutrazol. Paclobutrazol is a plant growth retardant and triazole fungicide. It acts by inhibiting gibberellin (a plant growth hormon) biosynthesis.

Friends Paclobutrazol is a main active ingredient. In india many product like Cultar, Austar, Lustar, etc. you can find which has paclobutrazol as active ingredient

From last 6 to 7 years we are using this product in our farm. By this product we got good flowering in our mango farm. But that not means by only this product you can good flowering in Mango trees. Many factors affecting Mango flowering. But this product can help for uniform flowering of your Mango tree. 

Time to Paclobutrazol is before 60 to 90 days of your tree's natural flowering time. Look natural flowering time is differ from place to place so you can calculate the right time to apply it . In our farm which is situated at Vanthli Village, Junagadh, Gujart. natural flowering time is January to February so we applying paclobutrazol at 90 days before, in month of October.

Dose is also upon on the age and size of your Mango trees. if your mango trees is 10 years old than 10 to 15 ml dose is enough. But if your frees are more than 40 to 50 years old and very big than you can apply 30 to 40 ml per tree. Friends our trees are more than 55 years old and very big so we give them 40ml dose per tree.

Apply paclobutrazol to soil is good practice as our experience. Foiler spray of it is not much successful at our point of view. 

Friends this is my thought about this product you can also share your thought about this product in comment section. Thank you.

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